Vedic Kettle - 100gms
Vedic Kettle - 100gms
Ayurvedic tea for full body detox.
With 15+ Jadi Bootis,
100% Organic,
Vata, Pita, Kapha Balancing,
Does not create excessive heat.
Drink as Herbal Tea or Masala Chai mix.
1)What is the Shelf Life of Toothbrushes?
- A three- month shelf life after you begin using the toothbrushes.
2) What are the bristles on bamboo toothbrushes made of?
- The bristles are made from BPA-free nylon, so you don’t have to worry about unwanted chemicals.
3) How to store a bamboo toothbrush?
-Bamboo is kept best in a dry area so using a toothbrush cup may not be the best option as they collect water. Instead, try an open-air holder or leave it in an open storage box in your bathroom and lightly dry it with a towel after use.